If you or a loved one has been in either a car or truck accident, you’re well aware that these accidents can cause extensive pain and suffering, anguish, emotional distress, and, sometimes, life-long health concerns.
But you may not be aware of how the average car accident differs from the average truck accident, not just regarding the injuries experienced in the aftermath but also how to get the compensation you’re rightfully owed.
So, in this guide, we’ll examine the key differences between truck and car accidents and what to do if you’ve experienced one.
If you have any questions about the information we’ve provided in this blog, you can call us at (405) 397-1717 for a free consultation with an experienced Oklahoma City truck accident attorney.
Key Differences Between Truck and Car Accidents
The outcomes of car and truck accidents differ significantly due to the larger size and weight of trucks, which can result in more severe damages, injuries, and legal complexities than car collisions.
Let’s explore each of these topics in greater detail.
Truck Accidents Yield More Severe Injuries, Fatalities And Property Damage
A similar accident between two similarly sized passenger cars (such as two sedans) yields significantly different outcomes than a truck and a car. For instance, if a sedan collides with a pickup truck, the Insurance Institute For Highway Safety (IIHS) found that they are 2.5 times as likely to kill the person in the other vehicle.
Considering that a pickup truck can tow anywhere between 6,000 to 14,000 pounds versus a semi that can tow 33,000 pounds and greater, the size and shape of these vehicles (and any payload they’re towing) inherently makes them more dangerous to the drivers of smaller vehicles. Most crashes between trucks and cars result in the car becoming totaled in the accident.
Truck Accidents Have More Complicated Liability
When you get in an accident with a citizen who doesn’t drive for their job, liability for the accident is simpler – you either caused the accident, or they did. It’s very uncommon (unless multiple people were involved in the accident) for liability to be much more complex than that.
This is not the case for commercial truck accidents. As semi-trucks are governed by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), they have to abide by very specific regulations, one of which directly affects truck accident liability.
If the truck driver is not an owner-operator and leases the truck from the parent organization, that organization is responsible for maintaining the truck. If it was discovered that the lack of maintenance or even the way the organization runs the trucking operation played a role in the accident, the parent trucking company could also be held liable.
Additionally, dealing with insurance adjusters and lawyers who potentially support a multi-national trucking operation is a much more difficult feat and should not be attempted on your own.
Contact An Experienced Oklahoma City Trucking Lawyer For Help
If you’re facing the extensive complexity of a trucking accident, just know you’re not alone. At Warhawk Legal, we’re always happy to lend a helping hand to hardworking Oklahomans who are suffering after a truck accident.
If you need to ask any questions, give us a call at (405) 397-1717 or book your free, no-obligation case review online today.