Oklahoma City Spinal Cord Injury Attorneys

A spinal cord injury (SCI) is one of the most life-altering types of injuries a person can experience. If you have suffered such an injury in a motor vehicle or workplace accident, your recovery will likely take a long time and your family’s finances may be stressed extra tightly. At the same time, your legal case may be complicated if insurance companies try to dodge responsibility and stretch your case out with delays and denied claims.

Recovery from a spinal cord injury nearly always requires the services of an experienced Oklahoma City personal injury attorney along with help from medical providers and other professionals such as social workers. At Warhawk Legal in Oklahoma City, you can count on us to fight hard to maximize your financial recovery. Our investigation and case preparation will be detailed, and our approach will include determination and zealous representation in negotiations, mediation, or litigation.

Oklahoma City Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers

What Costs Are Associated With Recovering From A Spinal Cord Injury?

While each case is unique, the aftermath of your SCI might look something like this:

  • Emergency treatment followed by hospitalization, surgery, and rehabilitation
  • Outfitting your life to accommodate paralysis, perhaps with a power wheelchair, a lift for transferring you from your bed to the wheelchair each day, ramps to go in and out of your house, and a wheelchair-ready van
  • Home remodeling or a move to a different home to allow for widened doorways lowered counters, and so on
  • Ongoing therapy, medical care, occupational therapy, and vocational retraining, if applicable

In addition, you may need the services of personal care attendants. To ensure that your injury claim takes all these needs into account, we may work with a life-care planner to sketch out your lifetime practical and financial support as you make your way forward with paraplegia or quadriplegia.

Speak To An Oklahoma City Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer Today

If you work with us at Warhawk Legal, we will likely get to know each other very well. We will be in it for the long haul with you, doing all that we can to help you get the compensation you need. We may help you find medical caregivers who will wait to be paid until you recover a settlement or verdict. These and other details are very familiar to us. We are ready to be your go-to source of information and advocacy.

To schedule a free consultation with an Oklahoma City car accident attorney after a car or truck accident resulting in paralysis, call 405-397-1717 or complete an online inquiry form to arrange to meet with one of us. We and our legal staff can also help you in more ways than you can imagine.